Birding Ettiquette (101)



Do not endanger the welfare of birds and other wildlife

  Observe and photograph birds without disturbing them from their routine.

Avoid chasing or repeatedly flushing birds. If you startle them, they may waste
  energysearching for a new "safe" area .

Limit use of recordings and similar methods of attracting birds.

Keep an appropriate distance from nests and nesting colonies. Do not "save" baby birds.  
   Mama bird is usually watching from a safe distance.

Do not handle birds or eggs.


Do not harm the environment

Stay on existing roads, trails, and pathways whenever possible to avoid disturbing fragile  

Walk carefully to avoid snapping twigs or trampling wildflowers. The snapping noise may
   disturb the birds, and the wildflowers may be a food source for them.

Leave all habitat as you found it.


Respect the rights of others

Observe all laws, rules, and regulations.

Observe "No Trespassing" signs and other posted rules on properties.

Ask permission to enter any private property. Limit requests for permission or information to
   reasonable times of day.

Leave gates and fences as you found them.

Behave in a manner that will enhance the image of the birding community to others. Birdstud's Birdchat Blog
A heartwarming webblog dedicated to chatting about Birds and Life in general. Feed Your Wild Birds
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